Carte blanche: July 21 to remind us of the democratic ideal of our country, Le Vif.

Tous les pouvoirs Ă©manent de la Nation … on peut penser qu’il s’agit lĂ  d’une phrase qui n’engage Ă  rien. Pourtant, celle-ci rĂ©sume l’essence mĂŞme de la dĂ©mocratie, qui est le pouvoir du peuple, par le peuple et pour le peuple ! Qu’est-ce que la nation ? Comment la construire ? Et surtout, comment s’y […]

Greenhouse gases, who pays the bill?

Currently, many regions of the world are devastated by violent climatic events. However, rich countries are often less severely impacted. Faced with this injustice, COP 27 of 2022 finally recorded the establishment of a loss and damage fund aimed at international and solidarity financial support to help with reconstruction.

A democracy for tomorrow

This analysis returns to the results of the citizen consultation “A country for tomorrow”, published on February 17.

“The economics of degrowth” with Timothée Parrique

On December 13, Hec-Liège, the Canopea association and Justice & Peace organized a conference by Timothée Parrique, Dr. in ecological economics and researcher at the University of Lund (Sweden) on his work “Slow down or perish, the economics of degrowth”.