Justice and Peace working groups

THE volunteering is at the heart of the project'continuing education at Justice & Peace. We offer different exchange spaces of ideas and solidarity commitment for anyone wishing act in favor of the common good. 

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Our working groups

This group is made up of members who are passionate about the issues of
education, active within the school world And in continuing education.

It contributes to the orientation choices of our educational offer
(events, training, educational tools) and engages in in-depth reflections on current challenges in education.

The Ethecopol group is a group made up of volunteer citizens who lead an ethical reflection on contemporary economic and political issues. Challenged by the dysfunctions of our world and particularly of Belgian society, the members of the group explore different ways of raising awareness among Belgian citizens and political leaders on these issues. Thanks to their exchanges and experiences, they also develop avenues of action in order to put politics and economics back at the service of humans.


The group central Africa (Brussels and Liège) meets regularly to exchange and debate on subjects linked to the social, political, environmental and economic context from Burundi, Rwanda and DR Congo. He's regouping
citizens, people from the associative sector, the church,
Belgian, Congolese, Burundian and Rwandan of all ages. In short, a rich group,
diverse and dynamic!

There ecological transition, energy And social which is urgently imposed on our societies is based on a profound transformation of our relationship with technology. Approach “Low Tech”, popularized by Philippe Bihouix, proposes to fundamentally rethink the design and production of technical objects necessary for our existence, in order to use as little waste as possible. non-renewable resources. It is also an aspiration for a more simplified way of life and a more great autonomy citizens about their own lives.

The Low-Tech group is working on creation of advocacy with Belgian political authorities and tends to strengthen the network of transition alternatives.

THE " GroupAl » is a group for reflection, awareness and action on issues encountered in different Latin American countries, including Peru. Its members seek to make visible conflict situations Latin American related to natural resources, to build bridges with the challenges of our Western societies and to propose alternatives.

Rejoindre le Groupe de Travail « Conflits Internationaux » de Justice & Paix, c’est s’engager aux côtés d’une équipe de bénévoles motivé·es qui cherchent à mieux comprendre les causes profondes des conflits et à explorer des solutions pour promouvoir la paix. En participant à ce groupe, vous aurez l’opportunité de rencontrer des expert·es, de partager vos idées et de contribuer à des projets qui sensibilisent et interpellent les citoyen·nes et les décideur·euses politiques sur des enjeux globaux et actuels. Ce groupe est un espace de réflexion et d’action, où chacun peut apporter ses compétences et enrichir ses connaissances dans un cadre bienveillant et stimulant. En 2025, nous concentrerons nos efforts sur la thématique de la prolifération des armes, et la sensibilisation aux enjeux du conflit au Moyen-Orient, d’abord avec la mise en place de témoignages audio d’artistes qui s’engagent pour la paix, ensuite par la mise à jour d’un outil pédagogique, et enfin, avec  l’organisation de conférences, avec une approche visant à informer, mobiliser et inspirer pour la paix et la justice

Regional Commissions

The members of the BW Commission meet regularly to discuss the political situation of the DR Congo and make it known to the citizens of the diocese. The group also organizes one-off activities such as collections of books which are sent to the DRC.

Denis Kialuta
Mutual Aid and Fraternity Office
67, Chaussée de Bruxelles – 1300 Wavre
Tel: 010/23 52 64 – GSM: 0498/64 19 89

This commission is active in raising awareness of the problem of accommodation in connection with the health, at thewelcoming foreigners, to the situation in central Africa and the fight against precariousness.

Liliane Toussaint
Such. : +32 (0) 81 723910

The activities of this commission are raising awareness of the allocation of unused Church property to accommodation social, reflection on North-South themes and awareness of fight against precariousness.

Laurent Capart
92, rue Saint-Gilles – 4000 Liège

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