Justice & Paix est une ONG et organisation d’éducation permanente qui sensibilise et interpelle les citoyen·nes, les responsables politiques et les acteur·rices de l’éducation sur les questions de conflits, de démocratie et d’environnement.
Diffusion en direct de la conférence de systext organisée à paris le 23/11/24 Avec Aurore Stéphant.
In 1967, responding to the desire expressed by some 2,300 bishops from around the world gathered at the Second Vatican Council, Pope Paul VI created the Pontifical Commission Justitia and Pax. This organization is responsible for encouraging the Catholic community to promote the development of poor regions.
We are working towards the emergence of sustainable development accessible to all, based on the values of peace, justice and cooperation between peoples.
Justice and Peace is a NGO and an Belgian continuing education organization which raises awareness and challenges citizens, educational actors and political leaders on issues of conflict, democracy and the environment.
Our organization advocates human rights, there social justice and the Environmental Protection. We are therefore working towards the emergence of a sustainable model accessible to all, based on the values of peace, justice, solidarity and cooperation between people.
Privacy Policy | Justice & Peace – Chaussée Saint-Pierre, 208 at 1040 Brussels Tel: +32 (0) 2 896 95 00 info@justicepaix.be | WebDesign by Suburbs asbl