Following an international appeal, the birth of Justice and Peace Commissions throughout the world, the objective of which will be to promote the interests of poor regions of the world, as well as social justice between peoples and individuals.
Justice & Paix est une organisation d’éducation permanente qui conscientise et interpelle les citoyen·nes, les responsables politiques et les acteur·rices de l'éducation sur issues of conflict, democracy and environment. Justice & Paix encourage ces acteurs et actrices à « understand to act better » for peace and justice, here and elsewhere.
The purpose of our work is to develop awareness and critical knowledge of the realities of society. Based, in particular, on the methodologies of continuing education and education for global and united citizenship (ECMS), through analysis, awareness-raising, training and political advocacy.
Justice and Peace arouses the individual and collective action of citizens as actors in society for the promotion of peace and justice in the world. It seeks to strengthen responsibility and citizen participation, both locally and globally.
Justice and Peace proposes a model of society based on cooperation between countries to create the conditions for a transition towards a world fairer, more sustainable and rebalanced. The organization supports the creation of alternatives, through systemic analysis that reveals interconnections between people and mobilizes citizens into engagement.
Following an international appeal, the birth of Justice and Peace Commissions throughout the world, the objective of which will be to promote the interests of poor regions of the world, as well as social justice between peoples and individuals.
The Justice and Peace Commission was incorporated as a non-profit organization on June 29, 1978; This organization's mission is to develop awareness and critical knowledge of the realities of society among public opinion. It is part of the European network of Justice and Peace Commissions.
Justice and Peace has been recognized since July 1, 1982 by the French Community (today the Wallonia-Brussels Federation) as a continuing education association. This allows it to devote the civic and collective work which was carried out by volunteers until then.
Since November 25, 1997, Justice and Peace has been recognized as a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) by the Belgian Directorate General of Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Aid (DGD). She takes advantage of this accreditation to carry out “education for development” work and then “education for global and united citizenship” (2016). In a world of interdependence, this calls for Justice and Peace to reach out to Belgian citizens, political leaders and education stakeholders to encourage co-responsibility.
Our organization advocates for human rights, social justice and environmental protection. We are therefore working towards the emergence of a sustainable model accessible to all, based on the values of peace, justice, solidarity and cooperation between people.
Justice and Peace is an NGO and continuing education organization that raises awareness and challenges citizens, political leaders and educational stakeholders on issues of conflict, democracy and the environment.
Our political advocacy, training, awareness and analysis actions focus on 3 main themes: PEACE & SECURITY, ENVIRONMENT & RESOURCES NATURAL, democracy and citizenship. The organization directs its actions towards the achievement of the Common Good, a long-term process which seeks to tackle structural causes and propose concrete alternatives for a more just and sustainable society.
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