Justice & Peace partners

Strong partnerships

The heart of Justice & Peace's work is based on privileged relationships with Belgian and international partners.
Their gaze allows us une vision complémentaire sur les situations de conflits, d’impunité, de violation des droits humains, de l’environnement, etc. 

We are developing expertise on the lived realities of populations abroad thanks to associations in Central Africa (DR Congo, Burundi, Rwanda) and Latin America (Peru).

Découvrez ici nos partenaires de Belgique et à l’étranger.

Les partenaires internationaux au cœur de notre action !

It is by visiting our international partners or welcoming them to Brussels that we have the opportunity to develop effective political advocacy, citizen and teacher training, in-depth analytical work and awareness-raising actions as close as possible to the realities experienced by the populations. Throughout the year, we collaborate on numerous issues with our partner associations, in favor of the common good.

Our networks and partners in Belgium

Ensemble, on va plus loin ! Nous travaillons quotidiennement avec de nombreuses associations et ONG belges soucieuses du respect des droits humains et de l’environnement. Cette collaboration de longue haleine est rendue possible par le vaste paysage associatif belge et par sa complémentarité.

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