Mining resources and conflicts (FORFOR, SeGEC)

Is your school participating in FORFOR this year? Join one of the Justice and Peace training courses!



On what ? One thing is clear: some countries are full of wealth, but the population remains poor. The exploitation of natural resources indeed constitutes an important issue which whets the appetite of the actors involved. Unregulated, it leads to social or armed conflicts, with serious consequences for food sovereignty and the environment. However, this wealth, properly exploited, should make it possible to derive economic benefits necessary for the development of a country.

Taking the situation experienced in Peru and DR Congo as an entry point, the training will address the mechanisms that link natural resources and conflicts, and will highlight the complexity of relations between North and South around the exploitation of resources. mining.

Practical information

Date: January 26, 2017 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Speakers: Axelle Fischer and Santiago Fischer
For who ? 3rd degree teachers in FGS, History, Human Sciences


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