L’extraction à tout prix ? Zoom sur les mines de cuivre au Pérou – Précommande

Un outil pédagogique sur l’extractivisme minier au Pérou Contexte Des paysan·nes vivant de l’agriculture à quelques centaines de mètres d’une mine très productive … l’image peut sembler paradoxale. Elle est pourtant de plus en plus fréquente à travers le monde et d’autant plus à l’heure où la dépendance en métaux de notre économie est croissante. […]
Cerro de Pasco

Discover the testimony of civil society actors and actresses on the environmental and population consequences of the gigantic mining project in the town of Cerro de Pasco.
Justice & Peace visiting Peru: when will the extractivist model end?

What do we do during partner visits abroad? Discover the Justice & Peace program in Peru.

Peru's elections on July 28, 2021 saw Pedro Castillo, from a left-wing party, come to power. The new president must succeed in healing the wounds of a country bruised by the Covid-19 pandemic.
Recommendations for the discussion of the new EU law on due diligence on justice and redress for victims of corporate human rights violations

Espacio de Redes and the EU-LAC Working Group are organising an online discussion to identify recommendations for the European Union on access to justice and reparation in the framework of the new EU law on mandatory due diligence for companies in the field of human rights and the environment. Over the last decades, Latin America […]
Open letter to the Peruvian state calling for the implementation of specific measures for the protection of indigenous human rights defenders

The signatory organizations urge the Peruvian State to take concrete measures and ensure their implementation in practice, to safeguard the lives of Indigenous human rights defenders, in a growing context of violence, harassment and intimidation of Indigenous leaders in the Peruvian Amazon.
Statement: The Eu-LAT Network, The Platform Europe-Peru and COEECI call upon the European union to support the rule of law in Peru

Press release from PEP, COECCI and RED EU-LAT
Ratifying the Escazú Agreement: a necessity for environmental defenders in Peru

In Peru, where the criminalization of environmental defenders is frequent, the ratification of this agreement does not seem to be on the agenda.
The PEP urges to guarantee the rule of law and the holding of impartial and neutral elections in Peru

La Plateforme Europe-Pérou (PEP) exprime son inquiétude quant au récent climat de polarisation et de tension que connaît le Pérou autour du second tour de l’élection présidentielle. À quelques jours des élections, la PEP demande instamment aux candidat·e·s présidentiel·le·s, aux médias et à toutes les parties concernées d’éviter d’utiliser un langage diffamatoire et de politiser […]
Two Tambo Valley defenders sentenced to prison

The PEP (Europe-Peru Platform) expresses its concern regarding the recent prison sentence of two defenders of the Tambo Valley who reject the Tia Maria mining project, which plans to exploit copper in an open-cast mine, putting thus endangering an important agricultural valley of Peru.