Appel à Volontaires
Rejoignez-nous au salon Valériane 2024 à Namur Expo !
Communiqué de presse: Appel à la démocratie, unissons-nous pour l’Europe de demain ! – Justice & Paix Europe
À l’approche des élections européennes du 6 au 9 juin, plus de 400 millions de citoyen·nes s’apprêtent à façonner le destin collectif du continent.
Il faut sauver la justice sociale !
« Il faut sauver la justice sociale », une carte blanche parue dans Le Vif à l’occasion de la Justice sociale.
L’extractivisme minier en RD Congo: entre espoir et exploitation
Discover Justice & Peace’s 2024 study on mining in South Kivu.
Pour Parler de Paix n°124 – How to build peace?
Consult the latest issue of Pour Parler de Paix, the magazine written by Justice & Peace volunteers.
Pour Parler de Paix n°123 – Race for time or freed time?
Consult the latest issue of Pour Parler de Paix, the magazine written by Justice & Peace volunteers: Race for time or freed time?
Need for a law to involve banks in debt relief – Le Soir
A carte blanche co-signed by several Belgian civil society associations, including Justice & Peace.
Greenhouse gases, who pays the bill?
Currently, many regions of the world are devastated by violent climatic events. However, rich countries are often less severely impacted. Faced with this injustice, COP 27 of 2022 finally recorded the establishment of a loss and damage fund aimed at international and solidarity financial support to help with reconstruction.
Pour Parler de Paix n°122 – Investing in politics in the face of a world in crisis.
Consult the latest issue of Pour Parler de Paix, the magazine written by Justice & Peace volunteers: Investing in politics in the face of a world in crisis.
What long-term management for nuclear waste?
This analysis poses the problem of nuclear energy from the angle of waste and explains the different avenues of solutions for their management.