Beyond GDP: which indicators for which social project? (ForFor)


Money, we know, is not enough for happiness. And yet, our society tends to make increasing GDP an objective in itself rather than a means of ensuring collective well-being. In response, a movement of questioning has been proposing for several decades a “beyond GDP” and seeking to define the meaning of life in society beyond economic growth.


The approach is far from obvious. Building an indicator of well-being or prosperity necessarily means conveying a certain idea of well-being and progress. How have the initiatives that we see flourishing at different levels and throughout the world addressed these questions? Do they manage to account for the other important dimensions of our lives?

Convinced of the importance for citizens to take part in this crucial debate, Justice et Paix intends to provide teachers with elements of understanding of the issues underlying the theme and to propose collective reflection and construction of courses of action applicable to school.


This training is intended for 3rd degree economics and applied economics teachers. This edition takes place within the framework of ForFor training (CECAFOC).

**Practical information:

– Date: 02/02/2018
– Location: Namur – to be determined
– Training number: 17ses006a
– Registrations and contacts via the CECAFOC website


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