Is forgiveness lasting?


Benoît Guillou, journalist and doctor in sociology, editor-in-chief of the Amnesty International magazine in France for seventeen years, is carrying out an unprecedented investigation into the question of forgiveness.

Pardon_couv_150.jpg Twenty years after the genocide in Rwanda, how do Tutsis and Hutus manage to live together? In the rural environment, the two ethnic groups live together: they greet each other and talk to each other, people pass each other at the market, on the paths, at the church or at the temple. However, despite appearances or attempts at normalization, an abyss separates the before and after of the genocide. Drawing on several stays in Rwanda, Benoît Guillou manages to reconstruct scenes of forgiveness in clear language, leaving as much voice as possible to the actors, whether the victims or the perpetrators of massacres. The village of Musha, where the bulk of the investigation takes place, allows us to reconstruct a local history of the massacres and then to appreciate the extent of forgiveness among a population. If there is abundant literature in philosophy and theology on the theme of forgiveness, this sociological investigation represents new and original work. This is in fact the first time that this subject has been treated on the basis of particularly rich interviews and often little-known documentation. Collection: “Edgar Morin presents” Genre: Society Price: 16 euros Contact: éditions François Bourin More information on Read also: – Book “Is forgiveness lasting? An investigation in Rwanda »Rwanda, Burundi, justice and forgiveness (RTBF – Face à l’info, April 21, 2015)Afrik'Hebdo broadcast (RTBF, La Première, April 4, 2015)



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