How to prepare a new future for Europe? Here are our leads


A text by Timur Uluç, Secretary General for the Justice and Peace Commission and its working group on economic and social issues. Let us rediscover the meaning of the “founding fathers”: solidarity, reconciliation, recognizing others and respecting them. On the eve of the European elections, it is essential to maintain a critical outlook, but also to continue to marvel at everything that Europe has brought us since the end of the Second World War: first of all, the hard-won peace , based on the principles of action which guided the approach of the “founding fathers”: reconciliation, dignity and human rights, concerted action and mutual recognition of peoples in their singularity. Then, thanks to principles which were embodied in new concerted modes of planning, organization and coordination, both economic and financial as well as political and social. After centuries of war, we were going to create new forms of living together. Europe, a collection of multiple heritages, thus became a formidable space for evolution and progress.

otherche_-_drapeau_europe__cropped_.jpg An opinion to read on the website The Free



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