Training – Understanding international conflicts


International conflicts are complex and, in the current flow of information, it is sometimes difficult to carry out an “objective” analysis. This training aims to provide reading keys to decipher conflicts with young people and compare different points of view towards them.


The training addresses the issue of conflicts based on geopolitical concepts which are illuminated by concrete applications, thus allowing better appropriation. Then, it offers conflict analysis tools and approaches and invites participants to concretely apply these theoretical tools and concepts through the analysis of a specific conflict.

Alternating between presentations and participatory workshops, this training is intended to be interactive to allow exchanges between participants and thus build collective reflection on the different ways of approaching an international conflict with young people and awakening their civic and solidarity awareness. To move in this direction, it offers easy-to-use educational approaches and tools.

For who ?

This training is intended to upper secondary teachers, particularly suitable for geography and human sciences courses and to those in charge of entertainment who wish to develop the issue of international conflicts with students or young people, but also to citizens eager for serious information on this subject.

Useful information

Date : Vendredi 24 août 2018, de 9h à 16h30.
Place : Justice and Peace Commission – Chaussée Saint-Pierre, 208 – 1040 Brussels.
Price : €12 (information on payment terms at the time of registration).
Contact : Annabel Maisin : ou par téléphone au 02/896 95 00.


COMPLETE – It is no longer possible to register for this training. If you want to register on the waiting list, please send an email to Annabel Maisin: If other participants withdraw, we will contact the people on the waiting list in the order of registration. Thank you for your interest and understanding!


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