Blood diamonds and the Kimberley Process: Assessment and perspectives


Established in 2003, the Kimberley Process (KP) was expected to be the solution to putting an end to the trade in “blood diamonds”, also called “conflict diamonds”. Fifteen years later, however, this certification mechanism seems to have reached its limits. Several stakeholders, including some behind its creation, even left it, denouncing its ineffectiveness.

This round table will be an opportunity, one week before the annual plenary, to question its functioning, possible reforms and the role of the European Union, current President of the Process.



  • Maria Arena, MEP (S&D Group)
  • Hilde Hardeman, Director of the Foreign Policy Instruments Department of the European Commission
  • Mark Van Bockstael, Antwerp World Diamond Center
  • Shamiso Mtisi, Coordinator of the civil society coalition
  • Elise Rousseau, Researcher at the University of Namur

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