Discovering a sober society

“Slow down or Perish: the economics of degrowth” is the title of the book written by Timothée Parrique which establishes new bases for thinking about society differently. Let's take the exercise one step further.

Will technology save the planet? – Carte blanche, L’Echo.

In this carte blanche for the newspaper L'Echo, Géraldine Duquenne, Research and Advocacy Officer at the Justice and Peace Commission, questions the systematic use of technology, its ecological impact, the limits it presents... but also to its alternatives.

RCF – Will technology save the planet?


Will technology save the planet? This is the question that Géraldine Duquenne asks herself in her analysis. Géraldine is a research and advocacy officer for Justice et Paix, a continuing education NGO involved in the defense of human rights and justice.

Will technology save the planet?

Faced with the ecological crisis, our decision-makers are relying on technology and digital technology. What social project is behind all this?