Recommendations for the discussion of the new EU law on due diligence on justice and redress for victims of corporate human rights violations

Redes Space and the EU-LAC Working Group are organizing an online discussion to identify recommendations for the European Union on access to justice and reparation in the framework of the new EU law on mandatory due diligence for companies in the field of human rights and the environment.

Over the last decades, Latin America has seen a regression in human rights and environmental protection. The private sector, including European transnational corporations, have led activities in a large number of sectors (extractive industries, agribusiness, mega-projects, public services) that have weakened the region's ecosystems and endangered the livelihoods of communities, particularly vulnerable populations in rural areas , Afro-descendants, peasants and indigenous peoples.

Speakers and presentations will focus on demonstrating through concrete examples the impacts of lack of due diligence by European companies (and/or European funds). Relevant regional and international instruments on access to justice and remedy will be discussed, in particular in view of the new EU law on due diligence.


Welcome by Alice Kooij – EU-LAC Working Group
Introduction : Renew Europe MEP (TBC)
Latin America experiences:
Soledad Garcia Munoz, Special Rapporteur on Economic, Social, Cultural and Environmental Rights – Inter-American Commission on Human Rights
Juan Carlos Flores – People's front in defense of the land and water, Mexico
Laura Montano – CSO Roundtable on Business and Human Rights,
Colombia Exchange with the European Parliament: Tilly Metz (Greens/EFA, Luxembourg) and Monica Silvana González (S&D, Spain – TBC)
Q&A with the audienceConclusions

Youtube link of the ENGLISH webinar 
Youtube link of the ESPAÑOL webinar 

This event is organized by both the EU-LAC Working Group (a network composed of CONCORD, the EU-LAT Network, the Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung, 11.11.11, CNCD-11.11.11, Oxfam, SOLIDAR, WSM, Coordinadora ONGD -España, the Oidhaco network and Pax Christi International) and by other networks working on Latin America, which are the PEP (Plataforma Europa Peru) and CIDSE.


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