Many of you want to get involved alongside Justice & Peace, Caritas and its partners for greater social justice and international solidarity.
Good news ! There is no shortage of avenues for engagement. Discover our proposalsconcrete actions for a more responsible consumption.
Consume less
" A chaque fois que vous dépensez de l'argent, vous choisissez officiellement le monde dans lequel vous voulez vivre " Anna Lappe
Consume better
Donate and recycle
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Before throwing away an item you no longer need, Think of THE give or to the to recycle !
Currently, more than 2.3 million mobile phones are unused and lying around in Belgians' drawers. Given the unsustainable nature of the resources that compose them, donating, selling or recycling them thoughtfully is fundamental.
Here are some reliable tips:
~ What if we repaired
~ Resources
~ Oxfam solidarity
~ Recycling
~ On planned obsolescence
~ To give to refugees
Inform & raise awareness
Roll up your sleeves
Exercise your citizenship
Intéressé d'en apprendre plus sur le phénomène migratoire à l'approche des élections ? Agathe Smyth, chargée de plaidoyer chez Justice & Paix, a consacré un article à la thématique : read here .
Whatever you do, do it with heart. Ah yes, one more thing, we are very curious to hear YOUR ideas for engagement. Write U.S and tell us, we are curious to discover what actions you adopt on a daily basis!
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