VIDEO // 2018 activity report


The year 2018 was a critical year... Critical, in the messages that were conveyed, in the initiatives that were undertaken. Let's continue this critical look at the realities of our society together! Thanks to our speaking out, our positioning and our actions, we fight every day to contribute to change, of our individual and civic stories, but also of our collective History.

This brochure, far from being an exhaustive compilation of our actions carried out in 2018, provides a summary view of the past year. This report testifies to the vigor of the organization and the richness of its speech, of your speech. We would like once again to thank those who bring us to these many areas of commitment: volunteers, affiliates and supporters, partner organizations... It is thanks to them that the year 2018 was synonymous with challenges met and reflections. multiple and citizen and political actions!



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