In schools

Are you a teacher, educator or director? Is your school keen to get involved in a project on international solidarity but lacks the tools to carry it out successfully? Or just want some support? Justice and Peace invites you to build together a project that suits you.

From secondary school, it is interesting to decenter and look beyond the borders of your country. On a daily basis, everything we consume reminds us that we are not alone on this earth. Clothing, mobile phones, computers, food, etc. often come from countries in the South and are rarely produced without consequences for local populations.

It is with this goal that Justice and Peace offers schools support in the projects they wish to carry out on themes linked to international solidarity. With several years of experience in school projects, Justice and Peace offers to think together and co-construct a project that can make sense in your context and reinforce the citizenship activities already carried out with the students.

For several years, we have been carrying out these projects in collaboration with Caritas International and the Belgian Red Cross. The themes of each of our organizations (migration, conflicts, international humanitarian law, natural resources) seem directly linked to us and offer a global approach to certain current issues.

For more information on the project, visit the website Caritas International.

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