


The Democratic Republic of Congo is among the poorest countries on the planet: the country is ranked 185th out of 197 countries in the ranking of the human development index.

Widespread poverty is observed throughout the territory and the daily lives of the populations are all the more complicated as the country lacks all basic infrastructure: roads, hospitals, schools, access to water and electricity. ... A high level of insecurity is observed in several regions of the country (North and South Kivu, Tanganyika and Kasai in particular) and dozens of rebel groups operate without the State being able to dismantle them. Added to this are also challenges in terms of justice, the fight against impunity and corruption. It is in view of these crucial challenges that the population has been waiting since 2016 for the organization of new elections.

While Congolese soil is overflowing with wealth (diamonds, gold, ores, wood, oil, etc.), the population does not benefit from the benefits of these riches which are still too often plundered for the enrichment of a few.

Through its action, Justice and Peace attempts to raise awareness, raise awareness and encourage commitment to this situation among its various audiences. Through educational tools and training, Justice and Peace is aimed at geography and human sciences teachers who would like to address the issue with their students. Through its analyses, Justice and Peace informs citizens. Through its political advocacy with Belgian and European decision-makers, Justice and Peace attempts to promote respect for human rights.


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