Teacher animation

Do you teach secondary school? Do you want to get started with CHMS with your students, or do you need reinforcement on certain themes? We offer numerous activities for your students or to prepare you to tackle certain subjects with them!

Our teaching offer

From secondary school, it is interesting to decenter and look beyond the borders of your country. On a daily basis, everything we consume reminds us that we are not alone on this earth. Clothing, mobile phones, computers, food, etc. often come from countries in the South and are rarely produced without consequences for local populations.

It is with this aim that Justice et Paix offers schools to support them in the projects they wish to carry out on themes linked to international solidarity. With several years of experience in school projects, Justice and Peace offers to think together and co-construct a project that can make sense in your context and reinforce the citizenship activities already carried out with the students.


We offer various paid activities aimed at secondary school students (2nd cycle) and generally last between 2 and 4 hours: 

  • Conflicts and natural resources. Illustration by the cases of Peru and/or DR Congo
  • Breaking the natural resource curse: alternatives to our current extractivist system
  • Strategic and geopolitical issues of international conflicts.
  • Migration issues and the link with natural resources and conflicts.
  • Memory and the fight against impunity: living together after a conflict

Interested in one of these events, or wishing to highlight a theme linked to international solidarity?

Educational tools

Nous développons de nombreux outils pédagogiques pour vous aider à aborder des thématiques sérieuses et potentiellement polarisantes avec vos élèves… les citoyens et citoyennes de demain ! Ceux-ci peuvent prendre la forme de dossiers, d’activités digitales ou de serious games. Notre offre va de la compréhension des conflits internationaux aux enjeux de l’exploitation minière en RD Congo, en passant par les enjeux migratoires.

Would you like to acquire, rent or access one of our educational tools? Discover our offer now!


Nous organisons régulièrement des formations ou des séances de renforcement thématiques à destination des enseignant·es du secondaire. Des moments passionnants où vous pourrez également échanger sur vos points de vue et pratiques avec d’autres participant·es ! 


Keep up to date with our teacher training via your training organizations or our educational newsletter.

School projects

Chaque année, nous lançons un appel pour les écoles souhaitant s’investir. Depuis plusieurs années, nous menons ces projets en collaboration avec Caritas International et la Croix Rouge de Belgique. Les thématiques de chacune de nos organisations (migrations, conflits, droit international humanitaire, ressources naturelles) nous paraissent directement liées et offrent une approche globale de certains enjeux actuels


For more information on these projects, or to submit your application for the next one, go to the Caritas Int website.